
I am pursuing my MSc in the Computer Science faculty at the Technion under the supervision of Prof. Ittay Eyal. My research focuses on security in distributed systems. I completed both my BSc in Computer Science and my BSc in Mathematics in 2019 at the Technion through the Technion Excellence Program.


You can also find my articles on my Google Scholar profile.

Asynchronous Authentication

Marwa Mouallem and Ittay Eyal
If the communication between the user and the authenticator is asynchronous, every authentication mechanism is dominated by one defined by a monotonic Boolean function. A scenario-based greedy algorithm can approximate optimal mechanisms by focusing on the most likely scenarios, and surprisingly, even weak credentials can significantly enhance security when used strategically.
Technical report, to be published in CCS’24.

Using Deep Neural Networks and Derivative Free Optimization to Accelerate Coverage Closure

Raviv Gal, Eldad Haber, Brian Irwin, Marwa Mouallem, Bilal Saleh, and Avi Ziv
In optimization tasks where functions are noisy and derivatives are unavailable, incorporating deep neural networks as surrogate models can significantly speed up derivative-free optimization (DFO) methods. This approach, applied to Coverage Directed Generation, leads to faster optimization and fewer simulations, reducing computation time by up to 48%.

Executing Instructions in Situated Collaborative Interactions

Alane Suhr, Claudia Yan, Jack Schluger, Stanley Yu, Hadi Khader, Marwa Mouallem, Iris Zhang, and Yoav Artzi
A collaborative natural language instruction-following game designed to study human-system collaboration. The game enables exploring how users adapt to system capabilities and how systems recover from errors. It provides insights into improving interaction between users and systems in dynamic, task-driven environments.